Published Paper
Journal of the Food Distribution Research
Effect of Promotional Activities on Substitution Pattern and Market Share for Aquaculture Products
Benaissa Chidmi, Terry Hanson, Giap Nguyen
Promotion, Substitution, Market Share, Seafood
We analyze the impact of supermarket chains' promotional efforts on aquaculture product substitution patterns and market shares. The findings reveal negative own-price elasticities affecting product market shares, while cross-price elasticities have minor positive effects on other seafood products' market share. Promotions enhance product market share, with varying effects across different seafood products that diminish as the promoted product quantity increases. Additionally, promotions influence pricing and reduce consumer price sensitivity.
Benaissa Chidmi, Terry Hanson, Giap Nguyen (2012), "Effect of Promotional Activities on Substitution Pattern and Market Share for Aquaculture Products", Journal of the Food Distribution Research, 43, (1), pp. 129-139