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Published Paper


International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems

International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems

Specific K-mean clustering-based perceptron for dengue prediction

Nguyen Hoang Long, Trong Hai Duong, Cuong Phan Nguyen, et al


Dương Trọng Hải

Hải Dương


Traditional neural networks come up with drawback relating to choosing the number of nodes in each layer. This paper proposes a novel adaptive network fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) to overcome the aforementioned problem. In particular, we use incremental k-mean to pre-identify the number of nodes in the adaptive network. Each node includes a set of samples in a training set. For each sample, we identify a fuzzy value of the particular sample data belonging to each node in the network. The learning perceptron algorithm also investigates to adjust weights by learning from real output data. In this study, the novel ANFIS model is employed to the dengue prediction application as well as evaluates performance execution by a real dataset of dengue disease in Tien Giang, Vietnam. The result shows that our proposed model of ANFIS gets better accuracy in comparison with linear regression, multiple linear regression, time series and neural network.

Nguyen Hoang Long, Trong Hai Duong, Cuong Phan Nguyen, et al (2017), "Specific K-mean clustering-based perceptron for dengue prediction", International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 10, (3), pp. 269-288, DOI: 10.1504/IJIIDS.2017.087242

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